In a heartwarming ceremony held at Hendricks Behavioral Hospital, Christopher Wagoner, RN, was recognized with the prestigious DAISY Award for Extraordinary Nurses. This honor celebrates nurses who provide exceptional care and make a significant difference in the lives of their patients.
About the DAISY Award
The DAISY Award, established by the DAISY Foundation, is an international program that rewards and celebrates the extraordinary clinical skill and compassionate care given by nurses every day. It stands for Diseases Attacking the Immune System and was created in memory of J. Patrick Barnes, who passed away from complications of an autoimmune disease. The award aims to recognize the unsung heroes of the healthcare profession.
Christopher Wagoner’s Journey and Achievements
Chris has long been a dedicated member of the HBH team, specializing in psychiatric care. Throughout his career, he has exemplified the values of the nursing profession through compassion, leadership, and an unwavering commitment to patient-centered care. Patients and colleagues alike have lauded Chris for his exceptional care, expertise, and kindness while working with patients struggling with mental health diagnoses.
Recognition and Impact
In addition to the DAISY Award certificate, Chris received a DAISY Award pin and a unique, hand-carved Shona sculpture from Zimbabwe, symbolizing the healing partnership between nurses, patients, and families. This recognition underscores the profound impact nurses like Chris have on the healthcare system and the lives they touch daily.
Christopher Wagoner’s recognition as a DAISY Award recipient serves as an inspiration to his peers and a reminder of the vital role nurses play in healthcare. Chris’s dedication to providing compassionate, high-quality care exemplifies the very best of nursing. Hendricks Behavioral Hospital celebrates Chris and all of the other nominees!