The State of Indiana released data showing significant incidences where alcohol and/or illegal substances are impacting Hoosiers. In 2021, there were 19,087 discharges from our emergency rooms, 2,554 deaths, 600,303 Naloxone administered by EMS personnel, and 44,248 arrests due to alcohol and other substances. The one thing that is evident is that there need to be expanded services for all Hoosiers dealing with addiction.
Hendricks Behavioral Hospital announces the addition of Dual Diagnosis Intensive Outpatient Programs for both adults and adolescents ages 13 to 17. The program for adults will be in person at the hospital 3 days per week for 3 hours. The program for adolescents will be in person or virtual meeting 3 days per week for 3 hours each day. To inquire about these programs please call 844-991-9900 and ask for outpatient services. Our outpatient staff will schedule a free confidential assessment to determine the level of care needed for each individual. All of our programs utilize evidence based therapeutic approaches, which include components of cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT). These programs assist the individual in identifying their triggers and developing self-regulation skills.
Hendricks Behavioral Hospital opened in 2020 in response to the growing mental health and addiction needs of individuals in the State of Indiana. Offering a comprehensive array of programs for adolescents ages 13 to 17 and adults, including mental health and addiction services. We offer inpatient care to adults with mental health and addiction issues, including alcohol, opiate and benzodiazepine detoxification services. Our inpatient adolescent program, called Thrive, offers a trauma focused approach to addressing mood disorders, thoughts or attempts of suicide, self-harming behaviors and more. The facility offers a step-down Intensive Outpatient Program for adults and adolescents with mental health issues. We also offer chemical dependency Intensive Programs for adults and adolescent struggling with addiction.
Hendricks Behavioral Hospital is located at 1051 Southfield Drive in Plainfield, IN 46168. Individuals can be admitted directly into the program or referred after an acute inpatient hospitalization. The facility offers a no-cost assessment to individuals seeking help. For more information, please call 844-991-9900. Someone is available to provide support 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.