Strive Day School is an alternative program offered through our traditional adolescent Strive Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP). This program is offered to males and females ages 13 to 17. The full day school program is recommended when adolescents may be stepping down from an acute inpatient stay, or when traditional outpatient methods have failed or do not meet the needs of the adolescent due to stressors that returning to the school may bring. Ongoing support and therapeutic interventions are provided in an all-day setting using comprehensive, trauma-based, and compassionate group curriculum. We provide additional skills groups and interventions to meet the holistic needs of the adolescent and to continue building self-regulation skills that are important to maintain success as the student returns to their school of record.
The Strive Day School Program will be structured to include the following:
- Offered 5 days per week and operates year round, including summer, spring, holiday breaks and fall breaks.
- 3 hours virtual learning through an accredited program called Edmentum which most schools currently utilize. Adolescents can also log into their schools if they offer remote learning opportunities. Our Intensive Outpatient team will work closely with schools and parents to establish which 3 classes they would like us to focus on. Through Edmentum, our program is also able to assist with credit recovery and remedial work.
- Designed for adolescents who may not maintain in a classroom setting due to mental health needs, and appropriate for adolescents stepping down from an acute stay.
- 3 hours of Intensive Outpatient Programming which is structured and designed to help those adolescents in attendance identify their individual triggers which may have led to negative thought patters and to assist them with the developing effective long term coping skills. We do this with evidence based therapy techniques called Zones of Regulation.
- Strive Day School Intensive Outpatient utilizes cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and trauma informed practices. CBT focuses on examining relationships between thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. Patterns can lead to self-destructive actions and beliefs that direct these thoughts. Exploring these patterns can lead to modifications of the patterns and improvements in self-regulations skills. CBT is an active intervention with homework and practice outside of sessions. Strive Day School can provide these therapies outside of the daily stressors of the student’s school setting, allowing a more intensive approach to preparing the student for re-entering traditional school.
- Extra activity therapy opportunities will also be available such as: art therapy, music therapy, yoga, pet therapy and personal health and wellness.
- Medication management is available through our dedicated Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner for those individuals who may need to be re-evaluated or started on psychotropic medications.
- We offer Gene Sight testing in all of our Intensive Outpatient Programs with parental consent. This is a cheek swab and will provide the family with a detailed report of what medications may work best with the individual’s body chemistry.
This program is designed to be short term and may last anywhere from 3 to 6 weeks. The adolescent will maintain enrollment in their respective school. Our Intensive Outpatient team will continue coordination with the school and provide feedback to the legal guardians and school regarding their progress.
Concerns that can be addressed at Hendricks Day School:
Anxiety – excessive worry that is interfering with their school attendance or participation
Depression – feeling down, does not enjoy activities, does not want to leave their room
Self-Injury – Intentional injury to themselves including cutting, burning, hitting, scratching, biting, etc.
Suicidal Thoughts – wish to be dead or thoughts that the world would be better without them
Impulse Control – inability to regulate their behaviors, risky behaviors
Anger Management – inability to communicate without becoming angry
Grief/Loss – loss of friend groups, family, or unexpected changes in their life/situation
Co-Dependency – relies on another person for their happiness or well-being
This program is designed to be attended in person. If the adolescent has other services, such as one on one counseling or medication management through another agency, we encourage them to remain in those programs. If they have appointments with these other services, they are able to attend them and are able to come to the school portion of the day but not attend IOP on the same day. Schools may make a referral for this program or legal guardians are able to initiate a free level of care assessment to determine if the adolescent meets criteria for either inpatient or Intensive Outpatient Services. They may call our Intensive Outpatient Program directly to schedule an in person interview by calling 317-406-8626 or may come in 24/7 for an assessment through our Intake Department.
We currently accept Indiana Medicaid, Healthy Indiana Plans (HiP), most commercial insurance, Tricare and self-pay options. We have financial counselors on staff to discuss your deductibles and/or co-pays prior to the start of any services.
For more information, please call our Intensive Outpatient Department at 317-406-8626. We look forward to serving you.